Environmental Education Made Fun!

I create programs about wildlife and natural history that are equal parts educational and entertaining. These programs include full theater shows preformed to audiences that have ranged from 10-2,000, destination narrations that are broadcast across a PA to add information and insight while traveling, trivia and quizzes meant to educate and engage, and child and teen programs designed to inspire and create life long enthusiasm!


My Alaska program includes all the information needed to help you spot wildlife along the way and make the most out of every port of call. Shows include Whales of Alaska, Bears of Black and Brown, Bald Eagles, Seal & Sea Lions, and so much more.


South to the end of the world! This program focuses on celebrating the continent that is dedicated to science and peace. Shows include Whales at the End of the World, Extreme Antarctic Adaptations, Birds of the Sea, and so much more.

 Wildlife of the World

Some of my favorite shots from my travels

Recommended Reading


Beyond Words ~Carl Safina

Silent Spring ~Rachel Carson

Wild Ones ~John Mooallem

Robbing the Bees ~Holly Bishop

Braiding Sweetgrass ~Robin Wall Kimmerer

Cod ~Mark Kurlansky

Four Fish ~Paul Greenburg

Listening to Whales ~Alexandra Morton

Friends in the Field


Chelsea Behymer

Marine Biologist | Environmental Educator


Brent Nixon

Naturalist | Nature Talks… are you listening?


Huw James

Scientist | Adventurer | Educator


Aidan Walsh

Zoological & Botanical Illustrator | Biologist


Lizzie Daly

Biologist | Wildlife Presenter

| Film Maker


Zachariah Whalen

Naturalist | Underwater Videographer


Allison Payne

Whale Girl | Researcher

Mariah Reading

Eco Artist | Interpretive Ranger